

1. It seems / seemed to sb. that … 在某人看来
2. in a day or two 一两天内
3. in a minute 一会儿,立刻
4. in all 总共
5. in danger 处于危险之中,濒危
6. in general 大体上,一般地
7. in one’s life 在有生之年内
8. in one’s fifties 某人50多岁时
9. in (the) future 今后,将来
10. in/on the wall 在墙上
11. in the north 在…北部
12. in a few years’ time 几年后
13. in the tree 在树上(非树本身)
14. in the last few years在过去几年里
15. it’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事
16. jump across/ through 跳过
17. jump the queue 插队
18. knock at / on 敲门/ 窗
19. keep an eye out for sb. 关注某人
20. later on 以后,过后
21. lead sb. through … (a place ) 带领某人穿过某地
22. learn sth. by heart 默记,背诵
23. leave for 离开某地去, 动身去…
24. leave…behind…把…遗留在..
25. live on 靠…为生,继续存在
26. look around 向四周看,四处张望
27. look out (for) 注意,小心
28. look out (of)往外看
29. look over 检查
30. look through 浏览
31. look up 查阅,仰望
32. make money 赚钱
33. make a contribution to 为..做贡献
34. make it 约定,做到
35. make sure 务必,务请
36. make up one’s mind 下定决心
37. more or less 多少有点,或多或少
38. neck and neck 并驾齐驱
39. no matter what 无论什么
40. not a few 相当多的
41. nothing …but …除….外一无所有
42. one after another 一个接一个地,
43. one by one 陆续地
44. on the tree 在树上(果实等)
45. on show/display 展览,被陈列着
46. on the / one’s way 在途中,路上
47. one another 互相
48. one …the another 一个…另一个
49. once upon a time 从前,很早以前
50. pass on teacheray.com传递
51. pay attention to sb. 对某人注意
52. play a joke on 戏弄人,恶作剧
53. play against 与……对抗 / 交手
54. pick up 拾起,捡起
55. point at / to 指向
56. put away 把….收拾起来
57. put off 推迟,拖延
58. put on 挂上,张贴,穿上
59. put up 张贴
60. pull up 举,升起,张贴
61. pull out of 从….拉出来
62. provide sb. with sth.向某人提供某物
63. prefer doing sth. 宁愿做某事
64. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起事
65. right away / now 立刻,马上
66. regard…as…把…当作…
67. run after 追赶
68. run out of 用完
69. rush out 冲出去
70. send away 开除,解雇
71. seem to do sth. 看起来像是在做..
72. sell out 售完
73. set out 出发
74. set off 激起,出发
75. set one’s mind to do 一心想做….
76. shoot at 对准某人/物射击
77. shut down 把……关上
78. slow down 放慢,下降
79. so far 到目前为止
80. speak highly of 高度赞扬
81. sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上
82. stand in (a) line 站队,排队
83. stay up 熬夜
84. start for 从某地出发去某地
85. take a bath 洗个澡
86. take a message 捎信,带信
87. take a picture/photos 照相
88. take a seat坐下,就座
89. take place 发生
90. take it easy 放心好了,放松
91. take one’s time 不急,慢慢干,用去(某人)时间
92. take one’s place/seat 坐某人的座位, 代替某人的职位
93. take one’s temperature 量体温
94. take part in 参加
95. take turns 轮流
96. teach oneself 自学
97. tell the truth 说实话
98. thanks…for…因…而感谢…
99. the other day 前几天
100. think over 仔细考虑
101. try out 试验,尝试
102. use up 用完
103. wait in a queue 排队等候
104. watch out (for) 注意,小心
105. wear out 穿坏,穿旧;用尽
106. well done 做得好
107. win the prize/an award 获奖
108. wish to do sth. 希望做某事
109. work out 制订出,计算,发展
110. would like(love) to do sth.想要做某事
